Eradication des VG Australiens

N'empêche, pourvu qu'on arrive à la situation décrite, ie qu'on arrive à détruire cette industrie !
Je comprends suffisamment l'anglais pour comprendre ce qu'il dit, mais pas assez pour répondre à la première interrogation qui me vient à l'esprit en lisant ça : il est ironique là ou pas ? c'est une plaisanterie ou c'est sérieux ???
Si c'est bien le même monsieur qui a écrit ce qui suit, il semblerait que ce soit ironique:

A SHEEP producer from Barcaldine reckons the systemic slaughter of the Australian dingo by that shire's council has kept him in the wool industry. What for? To keep the Chinese in raw materials to turn into rubbish clothing that won't last five minutes?

If that's the plan, we don't need a wool industry. Why slaughter the best and smartest dog in the world, just to grow wool for the Chinese to ruin?

Frank Brown, Richmond

Cet homme a l'air de beaucoup s'intéresser aux dingos (mais non, pas nous, les chiens!) et aux moutons...

According to the front page banner headlines of the Queensland Country Life, 20/10, the formation of a bunch of individuals in Winton to slaughter wild dogs in the most inhumane way possible, is historic!
The day that people who fail to learn the lessons of the past do anything ‘historic’, there’ll be a blizzard raging in Hell!
The English wanted to raise sheep in Australia so they slaughtered the Australian Dingo mercilessly! Now the land is overrun with feral cats, dogs and foxes. All these introduced species breed out of control, unlike the Dingo, which only breeds once a year and limits their numbers according to the environment.
Wake up! Don’t keep making the same mistake as our ancestors. Try and come up with a better solution. You could try to reintroduce the Dingo but now the Labor government has allowed the slaughter of them in places like Frazer Island, I doubt you could trap enough for them to kill out all the feral domestic animals and foxes!
Frank Brown