Vegan Food Is Everywhere


Jeune bulbe
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a faire, je vais le remplir pour Amiens et les autres villes ou j'ai eu l'occasion de manger :)
Attention attention, le site est exclusivement réservé à la nourriture végan, il n'est donc pas utile de publier des plats simplement végétariens.

Hey everybody. We've just launched a new flagging feature on the site. This feature allows us to indicate that a dish uploaded to Vegan Food Is Everywhere may not be vegan. You will see warning messages on some dishes as a result.

Wait! What? How can that be?!

Don't worry. The site is definitely a VEGAN site. But it is also open to everybody to submit vegan dishes that they have found. (And we encourage you to do so!) Occasionally a mistake is made, or perhaps somebody might be confused about the definition of vegan. Whatever the reason, from time to time some non-vegan items will accidentally end up on the site. We want to flag these items as quickly as possible, and remove them if it turns out that they can't be made vegan.

Today we were very happy to discover that some of our friends in France had mapped a TON of vegan stuff! Thank you very much to those of you who added these dishes! You are building a vegan map of France, and it is truly awesome to watch it take shape.

Probably by accident, a few of these recent dishes had descriptions that made their vegan status unclear. So if you have uploaded a dish and find that we have flagged it, don't panic! Just send us an email ([email protected]), or leave a post here on our Facebook page, and we'll work with you to clean up the situation real quick!

In the future, we are planning to launch features that will minimize these unclear situations. For now, a simple flag-email-fix system will do the trick. If you see a dish on the site, and if you suspect that it can't be made vegan, please get in touch with us (email or Facebook).

That's it! We hope everybody is having a great weekend so far. More exciting features are on the way! Stay tuned.

Du coup daemon666 est ce que pourrais les contacter pour clarifier s'il est possible de véganiser les plats que tu as proposé, pour qu'ils puisse ne laisser que les plats pouvant être végan.
Tous les plas que j'ai signalé sont vegan ou peuvent facilement être Vegan à la demande, car c'est fait à la demande et avec peu de fromage à la base. Normalement j'ai précisé :)
J'ai justement omis volontairement les restaurant ou la modif n'est pas possible :D
Je vais peut être virer la salade végé du steak easy par contre, 4 sortes de fromages différents dedans en grande quantité ...